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POSTECH International Relations


Sweden-Korea Education, Research, and Innovation Collaboration (SKERIC)

  • Sweden

SKERIC is a collaborative project between eight Swedish and Korean universities. The project addresses some of the major challenges facing humanity today, with the aim to equip some of the best and brightest young researchers and innovators from Sweden and Korea with the necessary tools, skills, and networks to become academic leaders and outstanding researchers and innovators, capable of addressing the world’s most pressing challenges as well as advocating for democracy and academic freedom.

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  • POSTECH-Tel Aviv University
    Joint Research Project

    Seed funding for collaborative research between POSTECH and Tel Aviv University (TAU), aimed at strengthening research cooperation and promoting scholar exchange between the two institutions.

  • POSTECH-HKUST Joint Research
    Seed Grant Program

    Seed funding to establish a collaborative research system between POSTECH and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) through joint research and researcher exchange.