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POSTECH International Relations


Partner Universities

Asia & Oceania
Asia & Oceania (Country,Name of University,Established) 해외자매대학에 관한 내용입니다.
Country Name of University Established
China(9) Nanjing University(NJU) -
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen(CUHK-Shenzhen) -
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China(UESTC) -
University of Science and Technology Beijing(USTB) -
Sun Yat-sen University(SYSU) -
Xi'an Jiaotong University(XJTU) -
University of Science and Technology of China(USTC) -
Zhejiang University(ZJU) -
Southern University of Science and Technology(SUSTech) -
Hong Kong(3) The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK) -
University of Hong Kong(HKU) -
City University of Hong Kong(CityU) -
Israel(3) Hebrew University of Jerusalem(HUJI) -
Tel Aviv University(TAU) -
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology(Technion) -
Iran(1) Sharif University of Technology(SUT) -
Japan(9) Tohoku University(Tohokudai) -
Toyota Technological Institute(TTI) -
University of Tokyo(Utokyo) -
Hokkaido University(Hokudai) -
Nagoya University(NU) -
Kyoto University(Kyodai) -
Institute of Physical and Chemical Research(RIKEN) -
Institute of Science Tokyo(Science Tokyo) -
한일과학기술포럼 Special Agreement(Shinshu University, 성균관대학교) -
Indonesia(2) Bandung Institute of Technology(ITB) -
Trisakti University(USAKTI) -
Singapore(3) National University of Singapore(NUS) -
Singapore University of Technology and Design(SUTD) -
Nanyang Technological University(NTU) -
India(3) Vellore Institute of Technology(VIT) -
Indian Institute of Technology Madras(IIT Madras) -
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi(IIT Delhi) -
Vietnam(7) Hanoi University of Science and Technology(HUST) -
Hanoi University of Science(HUS) -
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology(HCMUT) -
University of Engineering and Technology(UET) -
Ho Chi Minh City University of Science(HCMUS) -
Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities(HCMUSSH) -
VinAcademy(VinUni) -
Thailand(4) Chulalongkorn University(Chula) -
Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology(VISTEC) -
Mahidol University(Mahidol) -
Asian Institute of Technology(AIT) -
Taiwan(3) National Tsing Hua University(NTHU) -
National Taiwan University(NTU) -
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University(NYCU) -
Uzbekistan(1) National University of Uzbekistan(NUUz) -
Russia(1) Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University(SPbPU) -
Australia(2) University of Melbourne(Umelbourne) -
Monash University(Umonash) -